balsax iguana fishing line

Started by mohamedhashem21, July 23, 2013, 04:45:52 PM

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hello everybody i'm wondering i anyone have heared about balsax iguana fishing line from balsax company it's a mono line but it is stated to be able to stand loads nearly double any other mono line for example i have packet of 0.7 from it , it's prinetd on it that it can stand 44.7 k.g which is nearly 99 pounds i.e double any mono line as any 0.7 mono has 50 lbs test , if those numbers are true then i think it can replace braid line easily
please if any one used them please tell me wether these nubers are true or not :)


Their website makes alot of claims about it, but is very vague on specific technology used. I can't even tell if it's nylon, fluoro, or some hybrid.  ::)