New Penn US Senator Reels Video

Started by Bucktail, May 13, 2015, 02:19:59 AM

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Sorry if this has been posted already.  I haven't been around here all that much lately.
Just a jig-a-lo

Bill B

cool video...thanks for sharing brother...
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


These new Senator reels are growing on me; would be even better if they did this to a 112 size as well!.  What if Daiwa was to bring back the Sealine collection with these features with their all aluminum frames and SIDE PLATES and all of their heavy duty and stainless internal parts!! That would be "GAME OVER" for star drag reels!!!!!!!

Just a thought,



Impressive --

Penn has finally come around to our way of thinking --

Just like Newell, Accurate, Tiburon, Alan, Bryan, Sal, Adam, John, Tom, and many others on this site -- have advocated for years.

Solid frame, SS, solid stand, greased cfs?, decent handle, solid aluminum 1 piece spool.

I might pick one up just to see how it compares -- and maybe fish it.

This reel seems well priced for what it offers -- and likely, there are other sizes on the drawing board (112, 114, and possibly others).

And the real test will be if these sell in enough volume for Pure to justify the continuation.

We need to remember, regardless of how much we enjoy our Penns -- there is competition out there -- and ours is a limited market.

Maybe I have missed it -- but do we have any field reports from our members on these reels yet?


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


The first rule of fishing is to fish where the fish are. The second rule of fishing is to never forget the first rule.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


Thanks for the video.

Does anyone know, is the US Senator 113N identical to the Baja Special?

For the same price, which would you buy?


According to Steve Carson at Penn, the new US Senators are the same reel as the Baja Special with two additional widths and a new color scheme. So, yes, the 113N is the same as a Baja. I personally like the name Baja Special better but I guess many people did not realize that these reels have many applications other than fishing "Baja" so they probably changed the name to try and generate more sales.