113h eccentric lever

Started by broadway, May 18, 2010, 07:20:37 PM

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Well guys,  I have upgraded and repaired (14) Penn 113h's in the past two months for family, friends, and myself with great results (No one has complained YET!)  Today, I was taking care of mom's reel and noticed the eccentric lever is a bit wobbly when tightened down.  It seems to be pulling away from the frame a bit and there is some side to side play. Maybe once out of ten times it needs a little extra push to get it to go from freespool to retrieve and vice versa.  I took it apart 3 separate times today to try to get the play out of it to no avail.  Any suggestions? Thanks

Irish Jigger

Well done on the repairs. After all that I'm sure you would tackle anything (conventional) now. ;)
Re your present problem. I have had a similar problem with the smaller Penns having wear in the side plate causing the eccentric to float excessively. New side plate cured the problem.


Thanks Jigger,

    I didn't even think of that because they're only babies (3 year old reel.) Do you still think it could be? Any other ideas? Thanks


I see this fairly frequently. I also see worn eccentrics -- the brass piece the eccentric lever bolts on to -- so that the eccentric lever is loose regardless of how tight you screw it on. I think this is caused by shifting into free spool when there is a great deal of pressure on the reel, perhaps when you're snagged on the bottom and need line to wrap and try to break it. If that's what's happening, there is a simple solution: Loosen the drag so you can pull out line.
Taku Reel Repair
Juneau, Alaska


That makes sense...I'll have to grill mom about her hang-up removal tactics.  Thanks AK, I'll try to check on that, and post my findings when I reach a conclusion.  Thanks


Yup, I've had several Senators present with this problem and all but one was wear in the sideplate itself. The one was rounding off of the eccentric piece like akfish described. It was worn just like the gear sleeves sometimes get.



replacing it might be the best way to go.  they're not that expensive.  otherwise leave it be.  it should be fine. alan
send me an email at alantani@yahoo.com for questions!


I think I'll switch it out and see if that's it...better than losing the ONE!  Thanks