My Tuna Season Ends Sort of How It Began

Started by SoCalAngler, October 25, 2015, 04:55:46 AM

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I made a over night run to San Clemente island last night on the Thunderbird out Davey's Locker where my tuna season started in February catching bluefin. This time the target was yellowfin and other critters a the island. All but one of my fish today were catch and release which included calico bass, firecracker yellowtail, bonita and skipjack. The only fish I did keep was a YFT which went around 27 lbs. Not a monster by any means but I did get the biggest fish on the boat today and what made it special to me was it was  caught on my Monofil 27 and my old Sabre rod. With 15 lb test it made for good fun.

The fishing never went wide open but I did manage to catch around 15 assorted fish. Not too bad for late October.

The boats catch numbers were, 15 Yellowfin Tuna, 75 Skipjack Tuna, 40 Kelp Bass, 17 California Yellowtail with many more fish released.

Time to make some Poke to marinate over night and sear some tuna for sashimi.


 I'm not sure why you are ending you tuna season so early. I'm sure its for good reason. But. the season is far from over. The big dogs are going to swing back down from the Ozborne Bank in due time . In the meantime the Wahoo fishing is certainly entertaining. I like the fishing on Thunderbird. Its been around a long, long time and catches fish. Nice you got a good a good sized Y-Fin to end your season on!  .. nice fish and on light line. Hard to due on a cattle boat unless your with a cooperative goop of friends.   


Being late October and the weather cooling down over the last 2 weeks,we seem to have entered a transitional phase. The So. Cal. party boat fish counts look much different now than a month ago. There are still plenty of fish to catch, but it's not wide open tuna..


Quote from: funhog on October 25, 2015, 05:30:57 AM
I'm not sure why you are ending you tuna season so early. I'm sure its for good reason. But. the season is far from over. The big dogs are going to swing back down from the Ozborne Bank in due time . In the meantime the Wahoo fishing is certainly entertaining. I like the fishing on Thunderbird. Its been around a long, long time and catches fish. Nice you got a good a good sized Y-Fin to end your season on!  .. nice fish and on light line. Hard to due on a cattle boat unless your with a cooperative goop of friends.   

OK funhog any idea when the "big dogs" are going to "swing back down"?

I hope your right but from what I have seen in almost 40 years fishing here in So Cal the tuna are done this year for the most part. Sure there may be one or two lost fish still hanging around and I wish you luck in trying to find those. If you have any inside scoop let it be known and I just might see you on a boat.


So Cal Angler,
I stand corrected and agree with you that the tuna season as we experienced it "Is Over". I let a great season of fishing this summer, the warm water,and extended hot weather blind me to  what was really happening. Your 40yrs experience  and wisdom is way more accurate than the thrill of a lucky summer , the excellent variety of fish caught, ...   and  "me" wishing it to not stop.  It was fun,,, and you are are absolutely correct in your statement that its over.
Now, Can you cheer me up?!  Will the winter Yellowtail bite off Box Canyon return again ?   ...Cheers! John     


John time to fill the freezer with some tasty rockfish, hope for the winter yellows to show during the closer, then keep your fingers crossed for a nice squid float to kick off next years fishing.

Maybe I'll see you on a boat next year.