Airex Bache Brown Spinster Schematics needed

Started by Bill B, March 18, 2017, 09:32:41 PM

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Bill B

Would anyone happen to hve the schematics ti the Spinster.....I was given one to see if I could get it running again, but there are broken parts and maybe some missing.....Thx, Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


can not help with a schematicss, but in Ebay the reel is for sale at 19 USD only

and here some info about the history

love jigging
Authorized Jigging Master Service Partner (in Germany)


Hi Bill --

The only paper I could find that I have on these 60+ year old reels is one complete manual for an Aristocrat -- not the Spinster.

Although, I do have around 5 or 6 tubs of these that are complete for my little lamp project -- probably at least 30 Bache-Browns, Airex, and Lionels in there...mixed in with the other vintage spinners from over a half century ago.

If you get stuck, I would be glad to tear one down to give you some pics.

These are not tough reels to work on, Bill.  You will do just fine.

Plus if you need a part or two, it is possible I might be able to help since I have a few drawers of old parts that have come from stripped down reels over the years.

There are books available, like Bob Halver's, and a few others.


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


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Midway Tommy

They are fairly basic but some parts are pressed in and cannot be removed or need a special tool for removal. If my memory serves me right the rotor cup can't be removed from the body without that tool. I know that's how it is on the Mastereels, anyway.
Love those open face spinning reels! (Especially ABU & ABU/Zebco Cardinals)

Tommy D (ORCA), NE

Favorite Activity? ............... In our boat fishing


You are right, Tommy --

For a full disassemble, there is a spinner tube that must be flat pressed out with a clamp or similar, and a steel rod -- and the rotor head has the beveled gear attached to it.  And these 60 year old parts that have never been apart are prone to tweaking or snapping.  So a partial disassembly is the right way to go for a service and partial restore.

Plus the tube also has a finger attached to it that trips the bail.

Once you have the crank unscrewed, and most of the parts removed for cleaning, there is really seldom a reason to take the tube or the rotating head loose from the body -- just a soak and clean as best you can with all together -- then after drying, a couple of drops of oil on the gears like TSI321, and it should operate freely.

If there are other parts broken -- it may take a parts reel to restore those.


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


If your feeling down and don't know what to do
     Just hold on til tomorrow
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Bill B

Thanks guys, this reel is a mess, someone packed the crank case with axel grease...the really smelly stuff, scooped it out with a popsicle stick.  There are pressed in parts like the anti reverse dog post and oscillator rod housing. So far the left plate is broken where the ar post is inserted and the oscillator is missing. I can see where it functions on the main gear, but the attachment to the shaft is missing.  Going to shelve it for now, all that mess inside kinda discouraged me, the owner is not very interested in using it.....Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


Just in case you never found a schematic.
Is this what you were looking for?
Better late than never.



Have a looked at this video. 

I used it as a reference when I worked on one received from a friend.