Penn 6/0 vintage vs new

Started by cooper669, August 12, 2009, 09:31:05 PM

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I am looking to buy a Penn 6/0. I noticed that the Standard Senator use bushings and the Special Senators use bearings. Can one be converted to the other? What do the older vintage models have? If you were to buy a 6/0 what would you do?


the black side plate senators have small low speed gears and small drag washers.  the bushing will also wear out over time.  the red side plate senators have larger high speed gears with larger drag washers and bearings in the side plates. it's a much better combination.  because of the differences in the spools and side plates, you can not convert one to the other.  older high speed models have smaller bearing cups but they work just as well.  i think i have access to enough parts to build a wide spool 114h if you are interested.  alan
send me an email at for questions!


" i think i have access to enough parts to build a wide spool 114h if you are interested.  alan "

Alan let me know how much, I am very interested.


send me an email at for questions!