One of SaltyDog's jigs in action.

Started by Steve-O, September 25, 2014, 08:47:57 PM

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This Pacific Cod fell for one of William aka saltydog's self cast, painted and epoxied jigs. The cod were hitting it as fast as I dropped, thumped the bottom a couple times and pulled up into a hookset.  They don't fight for much and actually feel somewhat like a small AJ. Just tugging straight down. Pretty funny to see a salmon rod double over and go two guides deep into the water. This rod was stouter and shorter for jigging. The reel is a Pelagic Extreme single speed - pretty much an Avet clone if you couldn't tell. But they still pulled down hard until I broke their will to stay down. Then they spiral up clockwise most times. On the last one, a decent size cod, it spun up and twirled a few times on the surface. Right at the moment I lifted it out of the water to hoist onto the dock, BLOOP! the jig somehow spun out of the split ring and sank. WAAAAaaahhhh!!!! Noooooooo!  ....gone... sigh...


Hey Steve it looks like you lost the orange and black one.  I only have a black and orange and a black and red left.  I really like these lures.  We have to find out how Salty Dog is.  Someone ought to knock on his door.  If someone lives in the Dallas area they might be able to help.  If we can get back in touch with him we can buy more tried and true lures.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


Hey Steve; thos are good eating, and the bigger the better    .....    bleed them right away,,,,and asap filet them and then put on makes a very good fish for deep frying......a cod fisj an chips.      god job.


Noice SteveO!   ;D
Yeah, the Board misses William, I hope we hear from him soon.
;) I outta git me sum o those  ;D


Quote from: Dominick on September 25, 2014, 11:15:43 PM
Hey Steve it looks like you lost the orange and black one.  I only have a black and orange and a black and red left.  I really like these lures.  We have to find out how Salty Dog is.  Someone ought to knock on his door.  If someone lives in the Dallas area they might be able to help.  If we can get back in touch with him we can buy more tried and true lures.  Dominick

Dominick, no not the orange and black one. I still have it. The one pictured is the one lost. I had the sense during the frenzy to snap a pic with the green and black one. It caught probably 10 or so cod and the last fish - a decent sized one like this- was the undoing of the jig.

You might can tell I changed out the hooks. Alaska fishing - at least in my little experience - says put enough hook down there, these guys are very aggressive on the bite and even one pound fish can take and 8/0 circle hook no problem. So it may have been my hook swap out job that undid the jig. I was in a rush and tied the mainline straight to the jig instead of a big swivel. My bad.

Bryan Young

Hi Dominick,

Please message me William's address.  I am supposed to travel to Dallas later in what's remaining this year.

:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D