Very informative phone call with Eric Sheets

Started by coastal_dan, June 19, 2015, 06:28:58 PM

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I emailed with Eric about modding a Int. 12W and eventually called because I had too many questions for an email, haha! 

What a stand up guy, I learned a serious amount of info in our 10 minute call.  He helped guide a few decisions and rather than saying "hey, spend all your money here" he was more letting me know other options that may not have earned them anything.

Fun to swap short stories and learn more about these amazing products, you couldn't ask for more.  So, I can't wait to send them my business.

In short...awesome learning experience with a master of the trade.
Dan from Philadelphia...

Where Land Ends Life Begins...


Dan, what, if anything, are you doing with the frame? I know where one is but didnt quite want to go in as deep as they wanted and still have a stand and post frame. especially a wide model.



Bryan Young

Can you summarize Dan or are you still soaking it all in...
:D I talk with every part I send out and each reel I repair so that they perform at the top of their game. :D


Pretty much soaking it all in!  Haha, a lot to think about...a very short version below...

I love the older Internationals, as many of us do, and wanted to do a 2 speed conversion on a 12W for deep dropping.  High speed for bringing up empty hooks, low gear for the fish from 600 - 900 feet.

Before I go any further, I know there are CHEAPER ways to do this..."...just buy another cheaper graphite reel" or "buy....(fill in the blank)".  So, constructive information below only please, this isn't about having something you normally see or fish; this is kind of an adventure that will last a lifetime, then go to my kids...and their kids...blah blah blah (you all know the story because I learned it from some of you!)

Yes, I am a romantic at heart  ;D

....So I have a close connection with a 12W and he is ready to unload it.  After speaking with Eric the 12W is a completely different animal than the 12H, 12T, 12LT.  So, to 2 spd a 12W and upgrade to a 'Super 12' w/ a DD is about $435.00.  Then the quest for a frame (found a couple) would bring it up another $80.  Then the handle/arm another $40.  So, yes it gets expensive FAST!  But....who else has one, or has ever seen one!!!  That's where the 'Adventure' part starts for me.

Eric had some great points...a 12VSX would be a little cheaper, and brand new...and designed for braid.

But, if I was dead set on an older International to hunt in the direction of the other three, bringing the cost down a bit and the less 'custom' parts to incorporate into the reel.

Then we talked about Philly...and it's Cheesesteaks.  As well as their moving to a new location in the next week, Congrats by the way!

I have a lot more research to do and fun times ahead.

Let the adventure begin!
Dan from Philadelphia...

Where Land Ends Life Begins...



Now that is an interesting snd quite challenging idea you have got there.  If it were me I would start by aquiring a 12H, and a 16S.  Of course there are many ways to skin this cat, and it is immediately obvious to me there is no easy solution for a conversion.  I would start by seeing if there is any way to get the bridge, or maybe just the gear shaft housing from a 16S to work on the 12h sideplate.  Then you need to get the 16S pinion/shaft to fit the spool, and the drag to fit the backside.  Consider the antireverse dog/ratchet system ... is there room on the drive shadt for 2 gears and the ratchet, or is there a way to convert to left side plate..but then the clicker needs to move..hmm?.  Of course you will need a frame spacer under the headplate to accomodate the 2 gears. 

This is not an easy task, and there would likely be a limited market.  Converting a 30 or 50 to 2 speedis a much more straightforward proposition then the 12, 16, or 20.  I think I would want to have one of each of these smaller models in hand to compare part dimensions before formulating a plan.  Not sure if there are any other reel models (torque?) that might have parts of some use here.

Good luck on this one..and keep us posted.
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.



I have a 12W 2 speeded by Cal I might sell.  If interested send me a PM and we will start a discussion.


This sounds like a really cool project. I'm a big International fan. What species are you using this for, tilefish? I'd be very interested in see some pictures of the finished product.


John - PM Sent.  Talking with Eric he said they were some-what rare, so awesome that you have one! 

John P. - They have done these before so it's not quite that custom, haha.  But yeah, to do it on my own would be quite a task!

I've been researching the heck out of this over the weekend, a lot to take in just as Brian said, haha.

Sean - yes, that's the intent!  As well as smaller tuna/mahi, but majority Tilefish.  We have a charter in July with Stan and I'll be testing out my 501 on seabass, but I'm not sure if it has the cajones for the tile fish (it is tanked w/ 55 lb braid on it)...who knows maybe it does, but the two speed would make it a bit easier in that deep water; as well as getting that 500 - 600 yards of braid with a 80 lb short topshot.
Dan from Philadelphia...

Where Land Ends Life Begins...


Well John made this project easy...thanks sir for the great deal and conversation.  This thing is beyond what I personally expected.  Insanely smooth for being a 30ish year old reel.  I may send it back to Cal/Eric to get 'Super 12'd' and blueprinted for #65lb braid.  I feel kind of honored to be this guys caretaker for my lifetime...then it'll be passed down.

Dan from Philadelphia...

Where Land Ends Life Begins...


What he said.

I for one, woulf be interested in seeing detailed before/after photos of this reel if you do decode to have 'the master' work his magic.
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


The two speed is awesome, so easy, no wonder Cal/Eric have such a following!  I think the DD would add a bit of security to the reel as well.  I've nicknamed it "Jack the Giant Slayer".

I agree, I'd like them to send their notes and whatever else back with it for history's sake.
Dan from Philadelphia...

Where Land Ends Life Begins...