Mt Tongariro, NZ

Started by Norcal Pescador, August 07, 2012, 01:03:08 AM

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Norcal Pescador


Measure once, cut twice. Or is it the other way around? ::)

"A good man knows his limits." - Inspector Harry Callahan, SFPD


G'day Rob,
No, not a big impact here so far - there were much bigger events (from the nearby Mt Ruapehu) in the mid '90s.
While it's the first time Tongariro's had any real activity since the late 19th century, this one's (so far) been steam rather than magma driven.
There's a mil or two of ash across about a km radius going east with the wind from the central plateau, but it's only resulted in a few flight reroutes and cancellations.
I'm flying to Wellington tomorrow, so should get a good view - if there's anything still happening.
White Island, just off our east coast, is also having a bit of a grumble, so it appears there's a bit of activity afoot...
I'll report back if I get a good view, or if it really kicks off - which is an imminent possibility.
Cheers, Justin
Fortitudine vincimus - By endurance we conquer


Things appear to be heating up here - a bit of a shake in the Bay of Plenty this morning, a minor eruption on White Island and magma climbing high within Mt Tongariro in the lead up to... well, time will tell ;)
I flew to Wellington on Wednesday and, though it was cloudy, a distinct plume/column was still visible over the central plateau (on which Tongariro sits).
I s'pose we're called 'The Shaky Isles' for a reason ;)
Righto - will let yas know if anything interesting happens.
Cheers, Justin
Fortitudine vincimus - By endurance we conquer


when you,debbie and the kids have got to evacuate head straight for my place mate.cheers

Dave Bentley

"I s'pose we're called 'The Shaky Isles' for a reason"

I remember having a presentation by a New Zealander when I was at school and someone asked were the local people frightened of all the boiling mud, geysers and lava flow and the answer was "It's when it all stops that we start to get frightened".

Hope it all works out for the best.

Good luck Justin.
Only believe that which you know to be true.


It's the shooting of all those rockets into space that is causing all this stuff. 
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.