New Avet LX 6.0 bellevilles...6 of configuration?

Started by rod27, January 27, 2013, 01:21:26 PM

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I haven't seen any Avet tutorials with the new bellevilles.  On Avet's site it shows the schematic revised in June 09..... My new LX 6.0 have 6 so was wondering what the recommended configuration is or if anyone has tinkered with the configurations.  It's this way now.....))(())

Very impressed so far with workmanship.  All screws were greased.....drag washer was dry and clickers were kinda stuck however.  Easy fixes.


The first two, )), are "working" shims, I'd leave the stack like it is.
Hi, my name is Lee and I have a fishing gear problem.

I have all of the answers, yup, no, maybe.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain


Fished em for the first time.....but now i notice the aggressive drag curve where I can't pull line off manually even just passed "live".  Thinking about the SFL cams but wondering if the Belleville configuration can be changed, or should I just decrease the drag settings to half what the reel is rated at???......ex instead of 15 strike/20 full will the drag curve be less aggressive at 7 strike so that I can pull line off by hand easily???   I guess I can always just do it and find out.


An Avet LX should ramp up evenly from just past "live" to strike to full.  If yours is not doing this, it may be the cam and lever were not installed correctly.  See Alan's post for the SX   He tells how to install the cam and lever.  For some reason the lever must be in the free spool position.  Good luck.


I get that the Florida/Kodiak cam does away with the "Bait" groove so it wont stop.  But it doesnt seem to ramp up evenly.....the drag ramps up quickly.  Reading on various websites seems to confirm that the cam fixes this.  I will continue.

On another note, the stock cam wont come out easily.  It is attached.  Wondering how hard i should "hit it".