
Started by alantani, December 07, 2008, 04:19:42 PM

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Wompus Cat


This all loads fine on my old browser IE 6 or so . Running Win 7 but no pix will load with firefox unless I go direct to the source which is fullspeed sometin or nuther

Any particular pic you want here right now for the level wind problem .
If a Grass Hopper Carried a Shotgun then the Birds wouldn't MESS with Him

Wompus Cat

Level Wind Bushing pic

If a Grass Hopper Carried a Shotgun then the Birds wouldn't MESS with Him


I am still not so sure this is an SSL issue.   The test photos just posted have http:// links and still do not display in Chrome or Edge, but do display in IE.   It is possible that the modern browsers are trying to force the http URL to be retrieved by https, but it is also possible that this is part of the upper case / lower case issue that Gobi King was working on before the Godaddy issue.

Actually,  I just debugged loading the page with the problem photos.  Chrome is attempting to upgrade the http:// link to https:// apparently due to "Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin"  which relates to "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ".   Gobi King or the webmaster may be able to make heads or tails of this.

Hopefully there is a server side fix for this.  There are ways to disable this on the client side in Chrome and Edge, but they may expose security issues that would apply to other Web sites as well, so disabling it in Chrome or Edge would be a bad idea.

Bottom line:  If the hosting site does get a certificate and can support https, then that should resolve the problem.


Here is whats happening. They must have updated browser security policy to force SSL to links off of the site if the site you're on is already SSL. As you can see in the attached photos the links are being opened as SSL links. Manually removing the "S" allows them to be opened normally. Figuring out the root of why this is happening is what we need to do.


A little quick googling and you'll find numerous references to chrome and firefox having "decided" on their own to force SSL for everything or nearly everything now. Its complicated to remove and requires each user to add lines of code to their browser config file via text editer. Theyre making it intentionally problematic in order to "force" everyone to implement SSL on all standard web servers to eliminate the annoying user problem they created


Quote from: Wompus Cat on February 12, 2021, 01:29:42 AM
Level Wind Bushing pic

That bushing is in there, it just doesn't fill the whole cavity provided for it in the recess of the side plate. Maybe the previous owner over-tightened the nut and forced it down further than it should go? Ill add a couple replacements to my Mystic Parts list and see if new ones don't fix it.



Quote from: williewiskers on February 12, 2021, 02:17:23 AM
A little quick googling and you'll find numerous references to chrome and firefox having "decided" on their own to force SSL for everything or nearly everything now. Its complicated to remove and requires each user to add lines of code to their browser config file via text editer. Theyre making it intentionally problematic in order to "force" everyone to implement SSL on all standard web servers to eliminate the annoying user problem they created

I knew the links were already http in the original post, but I was on the fence about the nature of the problem until seeing the error code in the debugging info in chrome.   This issue may be a handshake between the browsers and the server running the forum, where possibly a changed setting on the server would fix this.  However, a certificate and https on the photo hosting site would surely fix it.  

We can't really blame Google, Microsoft and Firefox for this issue, because they are trying to close security loopholes to protect us all.  It is generally bad to think you are on a secure site and unwittingly make requests to sites that are not secure.  In our case it is just photos but think of sites with shopping carts, financial accounts, personal information, etc.

Wompus Cat

Quote from: williewiskers on February 12, 2021, 02:17:23 AM
A little quick googling and you'll find numerous references to chrome and firefox having "decided" on their own to force SSL for everything or nearly everything now. Its complicated to remove and requires each user to add lines of code to their browser config file via text editer. Theyre making it intentionally problematic in order to "force" everyone to implement SSL on all standard web servers to eliminate the annoying user problem they create[/quote

lol    I don't know come here from sick em bout coding,http,https,url ,yule Brenner, C+++,ajax,htacess,FTP, linux, widndoz,exploder,php,or nuttin else but I can see the entire threads here that are fubarred in my old explorer browser then copy the location save it to my confuser /post it here and then the info on the pic is here not on  speed fishing host .I dunno .
I agree ssl is being forced on us but still the browsers Should notate the older versions and give accsess anyway If  the file is there .Just sayin

All pix in these hard worked invaluble tutorials should be on this server and or stored somewhere where probs like this don't keep happening .
Just like the blotted out Fodo Bucket pix in a bunch of tutorials here and  elsewhere . They are retrievable but takes work and time .
If a Grass Hopper Carried a Shotgun then the Birds wouldn't MESS with Him


And here I thought Photobucket had wrecked the picture archives on the internet..


Bill B

I thought this information on line capacity might be useful......Gearing up to take my wife, a friend and his wife fishing.  I took a couple 320 GTI's  down to have line put on them.  Both took 200 yards of 65 lb solid braid and 100 yards of 40 lb mono.  They were filled to the brim.  I wanted a 100 yards top shot hoping to avoid "professional overruns" in the braid.  I realize the line is kind of heavy, but heck, I still have 900' of line on the reels, and a reel capable of 20 lbs of drag.  I won't fish them at 20 lbs, but it's there if absolutely necessary......Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


That'll get 'er done. I love these reels in their application. The Boss fishes them. If you're bottom bouncing, pop on a couple power handles off your 4/0's and see if you don't like that better, vs. paddle.

Bill B

Thanks for the tip John....I will....need to make the trip as pleasurable as possible for the ladies....Bill
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


Much easier winching. I think it's 24-57 as a new part, but they are pricey. A Ted grip would be on point with the foam barrel.

Bill B

I have a bunch of the old rock cod handles, but I think they will be too much, but plenty of 4/0's to borrow from.  If the ladies start getting into fishing more then an investment in new handles will be next on the block.  I did install Alan T's handles on the fathoms and Baja special.....what a difference that made...
It may not be very productive,
but it's sure going to be interesting!


How will the 320GTI compare to the Triton TR200s? I could get both for the same price, in good condition, assuming I get a set of carbontex drags and bearings for the TR200. Will be using them at the pier. From what I can see, the Triton is a ton lighter, less prone to corrosion and has stainless internals but the GTI comes with spool bearings, carbon drags and 4/0 sized gears stock. The levelwind is being removed regardless of reel.