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Started by alantani, December 04, 2008, 06:37:33 AM

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JasonGotaProblem, Catching Nemo and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Shark Hunter

Welcome Jack. ;)
Ask your pops what he wants to see.
If it is Senators, We got you covered. ;)
Life is Good!


G'Day, Jack !

Welcome to the Forum for both you and your Dad !

Tight Lines, Mate !


Quote from: Richmond on November 30, 2017, 02:16:00 AM
Hello from Australia.
I have set this up for my Dad.

Unfortunately he hates tech stuff no facebook, twiter,etc
Making a call on his mobile is a challenge,good at answering just push the button.

He reckons computers won't last ,so why learn how to use them.

Getting him interested in your community has been great, he really likes reading about the old reels.
Its making him use the computer because he can't buy the magazine.


Hey Jack, I can appreciate the effort you have made to get your dad online.  In my experience, Apple has the easiest platforms. 

Penn reels will likely last longer than computers, especially after a technological apocalypse.  ::)  Next time my office gets shut down from a malware attack, I'm going fishing! ;D

Welcome to you and your dad!



Hi Everybody
No idea what i am doing, Jack is coming over tomorrow so i will reply individually to all you kind people.

I like the old style Penn senators,Grice & Young Tatler reels and of course living in Australia the ever faithful Alvey side cast.

The Alvey was all i could afford in the Late 60s early 70s.

That you all so much to replying to me
Cheers from the


I woke today and suddenly nothing happened.


Welcome aboard, Richmond & Jack --

The nice thing about learning your way around reels with the Alan Tani site -- is that there are no constraints or demands.  Just soak up some knowledge, skills, verbage, maybe service a few reels from what you have learned -- no timelines -- the old saying "just do it" applies.

On another note (and this is hopefully not your situation, but for others it may be useful) --

Around 20 years ago, Sue's mom was in very poor health -- the prognosis was not good.

We got her a new Apple computer, a desk away from her bed in the dining room, and proceeded to show her what it could do.  She had never even touched a keyboard, and her vision was limited.  So we also got a magnifier for the screen.

It opened up a new world for her.  She would regularly look things up, learn new things, interact with others including her friends across the country, order stuff, check my ebay auctions hourly, and more...

The upshot was that she passed on at the age of 93, 12 years after a diagnosis of a year or less -- and she was very happy.

Purpose, interaction with others, learning new things, activity, getting out of bed with new ideas rolling around -- probably gave her and us, another 11 years with her.  I credit the computer and the internet with maintaining her purpose and focus on something else besides herself.  It was and is a blessing to all...

You seem to know about good reels, Richmond --

However we can help -- just give us a shout -- you will receive assistance and help from around the world in short order.  And we will learn much from you also!

Best Regards,


The Official, Un-Authorized Service and Restoration Center for quality vintage spinning reels.

D-A-M Quick, Penn, Mitchell, and ABU/Zebco Cardinals


The first rule of fishing is to fish where the fish are. The second rule of fishing is to never forget the first rule.

"Enjoy the little things in Life — For someday, you may look back — and realize that they were the big things"
                                                     Fred O.


Quote from: foakes on December 01, 2017, 04:12:23 PMThe nice thing about learning your way around reels with the Alan Tani site -- is that there are no constraints or demands.  Just soak up some knowledge, skills, verbage, maybe service a few reels from what you have learned -- no timelines -- the old saying "just do it" applies.

Best Regards,


This is a BONZER website, MATE, full of CLUED UP BLOKES & SHEILA's that provide FAIR DINKUM information and advice . . . Most are PROPER BOFFINS ! ! !

( I sure hope I got that right - LOL ! )

Tight Lines !


That is a good story to hear about your mother-in-law, Fred.

My Dad, who has also now passed away, learned all kinds of new stuff with his PC.  After Mom died, he used it to keep up with his old Navy shipmates & doings of his old ship, studied all things maritime (he grew up as a kid on tugboats & barges in New York harbor), even used Bing maps to find pics of all the places he had lived in around NYC.  I think he'd of gone nuts if he didn't have his PC.  Only thing different between him & your m-i-l was that he was a computer geek of sorts from way back (had a background in electronics).


Alto Mare

Welcome  Richmond!


Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.


Hi Richmond, Dinosaur, from aussie to another, all the way from sunny WA, good people here, you & your Dad will get plenty to go with here, tell Dad to send me a message if he needs any help, I will give him my mobile number, & email address, what fishing reels does your Dad have, is he far from the beach & in what state, Richmond in Victoria, or Richmond in WA. cheers Don.
Don, or donnyboat


Welcome Richmond/Jack/Dinosaur, from Minnesota, USA.



Hi All
Back again
Thanks Sal
I do like the old style Penn Senators you Americans do make good looking reels.

Something else you make well is Harley Davidsons of which i have had a few and still own my first 1979 FXE Super Glide. I think jack has his eye on it. Fishing reels too old motorbike yes please.


Shark Hunter
Thank you for your reply

Yes Senators are my passion good looking reel.

In my youth, fishing of the end of the local pier Penns were the top followed by Tatlers then the ever reliable Alvey of which i still have my original.



Decker / Joe

Thanks for your reply

Well maybe i am on the right path, have an apple phone hand me down 4s, iPad and MacBook pro.

I started and finished with Microsoft XP pro when that ended went to Apple stuff.

I try not to bogg Jack down to much with tech stuff. Don't want to put him off coming to see me. He is a hard working single dad and my grandson i think will be the fisherman.




Spent a bit of time in WA back in the 70s surfing around scarborough, then later as a base for a mining company looking for oil & gas in Broome & Derby.