Fin-Nor Lethal LTL 2 speed overhead reels

Started by Banearator, July 19, 2015, 04:06:13 AM

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I have been looking for some kind of review on reliability and real world performance on these reels After purchasing my Fin-Nor Lethal LT100 (Oh my, I purchased something other than Shimano) I was really impressed with the performance I got vs what I paid for it. My Shimano Tyrnos is reliable and has decent performance and I was wondering how this would measure up against the Tyrnos. Any advice or nudges in the right direction would be appreciated.

Three se7ens

The lever drags havent been out for long, but the offshore star drag has been out for a long time, and its nearly identical to the new lethal star drags.  Mostly a new paint job, and ceramic bearings.  I dont see the lever drags being too far off from what made those reels good, and in general, my experience with Fin Nor has been very positive.  They arent the most refined or feature filled, but they are solid reels that can take a beating, and put fish in the boat.  For the price though, its hard to go wrong.