Finally got a used 9/0.

Started by Saaben, September 19, 2016, 10:51:46 PM

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Everyone here has been great and I appreciate it. I was the guy who analyzed my purchase between a new 9/0 and a used one of Ebay etc. Ended up getting a new one and think it is perfect for me and the amount of fishing I do. My father n law goes to a lot of estate sales and I asked him to keep an eye out. He called me on Sat to tell me he was in front of a guy that had a number of them. He ended up giving $60 for the one below. (Hopefully as I am still trying to figure out the pix.) Looks like a good cleaning is in order which I plan on doing tonight. I head to FL Sunday so not enough experience nor parts to start tearing into it till I get back. Seems to click loud and no broken pieces so pretty happy. Would be interested to see if anyone has a guess as to the year based upon handle. Thanks again and have a great day.


Just shooting from the hip here...

Handle suggests early 60s.
Hope springs eternal
for the consumate fishermen.


I looks like you got a deal.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.


Nice score! The prices on the 9/0's are creeping up.


Okay a couple questions of course. It "looks" like there are 3 washers. I see 3 black washers, 2 being somewhat thick and 1 made of felt. It actually looked pretty decent inside. Nothing appeared to be broken etc. I am going to try to get the upgrade washer kit. I think that contains 5 washers? I am somewhat alarmed once I saw the springs etc that came out. I imagine I will be kicking myself tomorrow that I did not take better pictures. Anyone have any advice? I am all ears. I have the parts soaking on Simple Green. I will plan on rinsing tomorrow. I seem to recall two opinions on greasing washers and some recommending not to. I will take some advice on that as well. Thanks again.         


Don't let the parts and springs scare you.  Go to the Penn link from the home page.  Search the Penn Senators.  They are basically all the same.  If you run into any problems take photos and post them.  We will help you through reassembly.  Dominick
Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis.

There are two things I don't like about fishing.  Getting up early in the morning and boats.  The rest of it is fun.

Shark Hunter

You have an older bushing model.
As long as the spool is one piece, you are golden.
Life is Good!


    Depends how you look at this... your reel is a 1949/50 (no numbers as far as I can see, large oil port on counter balanced handle with individual weights riveted together, as Daron said it has the bushing on the head plate, I would bet it has the steel gear set as well.  It's smoother than the 9/0's after the 50's, has a better gear set (with grease of course), it has a bushing instead of a bearing-less to go wrong, and has a sweet handle grasp.  The down side is... it most likely has a 3 piece spool and it's got a counterbalanced handle instead of power handle for that size reel.
Also, the rod clamp looks to be later as in '49 it would most likely have a slotted clamp.
Nice piece, clean it up and have fun with it.
Stay fishy,


Much appreciate the input and help. May have to take you guys up on the post pix etc. The one side came apart fine and I had it all organized. The second side had all the springs etc and I did a terrible job keeping track of that side. It does look intimidating but I have a 9/0 worst case scenario for the trip coming up. I plan on ordering the upgraded washer kit today to see if I can get it in the next two days. The spool appears to me to be one piece. It has a gear mechanism on one side. I will post more pix. Thanks again everyone.


I think I may need to post some more pictures before ordering parts unless someone corrects me. I printed of the schematics for a older model 6/0 and I see a number of washers. Mine appeared to have 3. Did some models in fact come with just 3 washers? If I ran out of time before I got new parts I am assuming I could put back together the way it was. (If possible for me) and change washers out later. The washers appeared to be fine with no tears etc. Thoughts are appreciated. Thanks

Shark Hunter

This is the drag kit you need. The three washers you have are asbestos,  The newer kit will put out a lot more and smoother drag.
Pick up a new undergear washer while you are at it.
Grease the new stack with Cal's drag grease and you will be set.

"Edited as per Moderators to correct Scott's Bait & Tackle over to their new store name Mystic Reel Parts /"
Life is Good!


Thanks Shark Hunter, I see you respond to a lot of post that I am sure have been covered a thousand times before. Your time and insight to us newbies is appreciated.

Shark Hunter

No Problem Buddy,
We are here to Help. ;)
Life is Good!


Saaben, what you don't see is also Daron's behind the scenes help in advice and parts also...tremendous help to me personally on my big Senator's. You will likely never need it, but I believe Tom (Cortez Conversions) is doing another run of frames by end of year. I built mine with the frame, Tiburon T-Bar handle, SS sleeve from Alan, and carbontex drags. Harvested the best from two reels so has steel main gear also. Spooled with 300 yds 100 lb braid topped with 80 lb BG mono . Daron runs straight 80 but I had the braid laying around so I used it. Looked around and low and behold, had enough bits to put the other back together stock except added carbontex and lined it similarly. If you are really hammering drag with those inserts the frame may be a good idea.



BTW, if you are increasing drag and have a three piece spool, probably a good idea to back with braid or dacron and topshot with mono. This will reduce the chance of three piece spool bursting from mono constriction under pressure...saw a friend kill a perfectly good Newell with graphite spool that way. If I recall, I have about 350 yds 80lb which gives you a pretty good paddle out with mono, and still 400 yds (with braid) to fight with. The reason for so much mono is it sinks, so any passing boat won't get in your business. Full disclosure, haven't used that particular rig for land-based sharking, but I set it up to do so based on principles learned sending out balloon baits off pier for tarpon and kingfish, and we caught more blacktips and spinners ( and I did see a hammer caught) than the target species so same rules apply. Just used a balloon instead of yak.

Good luck!