Preparing to fish the 16/0

Started by The Great Maudu, July 31, 2017, 12:05:19 AM

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oh wow that is nice. I couldn't tell it was honey gold until the last shot, missed it initially. Now I think it's a Fenwick blank, custom built probably in the 60's-70's. Condition is outstanding. What a great combo. I agree, if I wrapped that it would have some identifier of provenance on it, either builder's or owner's. Truly a top-of the food chain piece in its day.


the red and gold chevron is making me think South Florida, and something affiliated at one point with the name 'star rods'

t and r tackle potentially may have been involved with this build

Some interested in original star have told me they can always tell by the wraps, particularly the shade of red used as a key indicator


The rod was done really well I really like the fore grip !!! Lamiglas made honey colored blanks as well. Hope you catch a shark worthy of the rod !!!   Good Luck !    John Taylor


   Dude, this is such a wicked combo, I love it. It has to be so heavy...but I'd love to have it wear me out! 8)

The Great Maudu

Mo it's really heavy with an empty spool. It's probably going to feel twice as heavy once the 1.2 miles of line get wound on. I've been thinking about my strategy for fishing. First, I'm going to use the biggest, freshest Bonita I can get. Or a big stingray. Second, for years everybody takes their bait in the 400 - 500 zone. I'm thinking maybe dropping about the 250 mark. Bigger smarter sharks might tend to avoid that area where fellow sharks tend to disappear from. Third, if I hook up to a big, I don't want to get into a wrestling match. I have plenty of line so if I set the drag just enough to keep the line tight I can let the creature play itself out without using all my energy just trying to hold on or keep from going over the railing. Opinions? Anyway once she's spooled up I get some pics of the scale and we'll see what the weight is not counting bait and lead.

Shark Hunter

Figure about 15lbs spooled.
That is just the reel.
I haven't had time to crack her open yet. They are killing me at work.
I figure a complete service to the reel on Sunday. My Saturday has already been taken.
I have to work a double shift Friday Night. My Saturday will be spent sleeping.
The following weekend, I will tackle the task of spooling the 1.2 miles of line.
This reel will be completely stock with new drags as the only upgrade.
With that capacity, you can wear down anything out there, as long as you don't get broken off, or you hook into something that wasn't meant to be caught, like a giant ray, Greater Hammer, or even a Great White. They are there.
Man VS Beast!

Life is Good!

The Great Maudu

That sounds good brother. The other spool is supposed to be here Saturday. I can drop it off Sunday if that works for you. What do you think about my short drop strategy? The end of the pier is 1/4 mike out so another 250 yds is still in plenty of water.

Shark Hunter

I agree.
When I drop my baits in Navarre. .I try to get even with the end of the pier.
That's 1545 feet. Almost a third of a mile.
Life is Good!

Shark Hunter

Went through Mike's 16/0.
Chrome bridge, steel gears. I don't think it had been taken apart since it left the penn factory.

It had the old asbestos 5 stack.
7 stack of carbon fiber coming right up!

The gears had a lot of rust on them, and the old grease needed cleaned.
I've been working a lot of crazy hours, so I busted out the coleman fuel and scrubbed all the parts as clean as I could in a bucket.
This is the quickest method I use. They aren't perfectly clean, but It will do.

Business end all buttoned up. I used Sal's dating method here.

Finished up and ready to rock! Completely stock, ready for Battle! Mano to Shark! ;)
I like the way it turned out. The clicker button is kind of loose, but still works. I didn't have the parts to replace it.
Life is Good!

The Great Maudu

Holy crap! I wasn't expecting all that Brother but I certainly do appreciate it. It looks brand new. I feel completely confident taking it into battle. What's your brand? Ice House?

Alto Mare

Nice job on the reel Daron.
Mike, you'll be able to stop anything, just make sure you hold tight😉
Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.

The Great Maudu

Sal, I'll be harnessed to the rod and reel three stories above the water. What could possibly go wrong ....

Shark Hunter

Milwaukee's Best Ice! The Beast!
My go to.
I am not looking forward to spooling this monster with 2 miles of line.
You are going to help me.
Despite what your guys in the know tell you,
I can spool his reel with straight 130 mono and have the same capacity with a full spool.
Life is Good!


How much 130 will it actually hold? Since I'm in the market lol

Shark Hunter

A 5 lb spool of Exsum is 2400 yards.
I think it will hold most of it.
Life is Good!